
So was i supposed to write in this journal daily, because I’ve missed 10 days now! that’s very on par with me, actually. though, since my last posts, i’ve just been too tired to muster up the energy to type up some words. i’ve been working my regular job, then coming home and working my side job late at night. i’m the type of person who always needs like an hour to wind down from the day, which causes me to sleep later than i should and the fatigue cycle repeats daily! the holiday has not helped because it was stressful getting all the gifts for people, plus making calendars and our holiday card. jf let me pick the theme for the card this year, and it won’t be our most creative card but i will like it! this week i’ve been working, working side job, then wrapping gifts before bed. it’s a tiring process and actually now i should go wrap a couple gifts before i go to sleep!

Low Motivation

I have a lot of tasks to do but no motivation to do any of them. Help. But at least we put our Xmas tree up! About to get my period, so I’ve been craving salty foods and chocolate. I did my best to not eat a bag of chips at work today, and it’ll be the same struggle tomorrow. Wish me luck.