
Ugh hate having my period and it was heavy today. It’s so interesting how it has evolved since I first got it in 7th grade. I would say right now is really the worst phase that it’s been in. The past +/-5 years have been so heavy. This is getting graphic, but it feels like a flash flood for like a day and then it’s very mild for 2-3 more days. In the past, it was more normal. Like heavy, but not crazy heavy and then a steady decrease instead of a sharp drop decrease. I’m sure it has to do with aging and hormones and whatever and I do realize the number of periods left in my body are numbered. If I weren’t so freaked out about menopause, I would really be excited about reaching it. All the stories about how the menopause hormones drastically change your body and age you is scary as shit.

Super Bowl is this weekend! 49ers vs Chiefs. T, C, E are coming over again this year. Gonna be a fun time catching up! Excited!


Today was a bit up and down. Trying to coordinate conf call with unhappy client … Monday is not going to be fun, but I likely won’t need to do too much of the talking, so it’s a small relief, but it is going to be tense. Finishing up some shop drawings. Tomorrow is JF’s birthday so we’re going out to a nice place for dinner. This week is super hectic, actually. Tonight J had b-ball practice and it’s now designated that I exercise while he’s at practice, so I ran treadmill for 30 minutes. Or rather, I actually ran for maybe 7-8 minutes and power walked 22-23 minutes. LOL. I’m just not a great runner cause of my irregular heartbeat issue that was discovered in my 20’s. Basically I get chest pains when my heart rate gets too high from things like running too much. I won’t survive the apocalypse, that’s for sure.


OK the morning was hectic getting to the party, but once it got set up and guests settled in, we all had a blast! Kids had fun making their own pizzas, adults had fun eating pizzas, it was relaxed and low-key and chill. Somehow kids can just have fun with balloons and Polaroids and playing hide and seek behind walls. It was very wholesome actually. Goes to show that it’s more fun for kids to be playing with each other than to be watching TV. I was pretty tired afterwards and had to take a nap, but felt energized after walking the dog. Chiefs beat the Ravens and 49ers beat the Lions. Super Bowl showdown in 2 weeks!


So many things on our checklist today cause we got a small party tomorrow. Luckily the work week ended okay so no stress there (knock on wood). But tbh, I usually don’t carry work home with me. Anyone else do this? Just forget about work the second they step out of work? That’s always been me and on Mondays I often stuggle to recall what I was working on the previous Friday. LOL. Anyhow did some morning errands now having a chill afternoon before b-ball game later. I feel like taking a nap but I think I’ll play some video games w/my kid and be a bonding mom.


The day was going fairly well at work until early afternoon when we got a call that one of our projects was failing and needed a remedy the next day. Client was very pissed and while I didn’t take the brunt of it, I am nervous about tomorrow. I hope it can get fixed by the team who goes out there. This whole project was a fail. I’m not sure exactly what happened for it to get to this point, but time was not on our side. It never is. We end up rushing every project. Probably the only project so far that I haven’t rushed is the other one shipping out maybe next week and only cause the client hasn’t paid! Please send me some good vibes for tomorrow. I really need it.

Rainy Weekend

Every weekend feels like chores. Though I did get to sleep a lot on Saturday. I was tired cause I overate when I went out for T’s birthday on friday night and ended up feeling so yuck all Saturday. On Saturday morning I took James to the library then McD’s for a treat. That was a mistake (considering my full stomach) but I actually didn’t eat much and still ended up falling asleep for 4 hours lol. JF cooked my favorite – beef stroganoff which made me sleepy again after dinner. I did manage to watch an episode of “welcome to Samdal-ri”. Only one more ep to go. Happy I’m actually watching a K-drama this year! Today I tried to work on my 3D model for EB and I did make some progress but I need my handbook which is at work. 😦 So perhaps I’ll make more headway this week. I also need to wrap J’s gifts since his birthday is on Tuesday and clean the house a bit. I feel like I’m constantly thinking about cleaning or making money and it’s becoming stressful for me.


Apple has a new Journal app, but it’s so primitive that I may continue journaling here and then copying it over there in case in the future it becomes better. I like the simplicity of it, but like others have noted, there is no tagging or search functions so how do you go through and find specific posts or things you wrote about in the past? Ridic.

After Xmas Post

OK, really been lagging on journaling lol. So we came up to Seattle to visit JF’s sisters. J has had fun running around with his cousins day and night. Waking at 7am and sleeping at 11pm. We flew in on Xmas Eve. I had already started feeling sniffly at that point. It felt like the second I got off work on Friday, the sniffles started. So annoying. On Xmas eve, we went to a church service then to the mall to see a small light parade. It was very small town feel, but cute for the kids.

On Xmas day it was rainy so we just chilled indoors all day – the kids opened gifts and then played with their gifts. I actually slept most of the day, trying to knock my cold out. We had hot pot for dinner which is hilarious right.

Day after Xmas we actually went out and did stuff. Headed east to a cute town that had snow on the ground and cute little shops. Ate hotdogs for dinner but they were tasty! The kids had fun throwing little snowballs and although it was cold, my new Gap coat kept me toasty warm. Kudos to Gap for making a warm coat and putting it on sale haha. Got home kinda late and everyone just crashed.

Yesterday it was rainy again so we mostly stayed home but did go out to get some boba and do grocery shopping. Cooked chicken cutlet curry for dinner. Yummy. The dads took the kids to Dave n Busters and the moms stayed home and did nails and watched a rom com. Haha, so low key but I loved it. Haven’t painted my nails in weeks and it feels nice to have that girly flair again.

Today we had a low key morning then went to lunch at this Chinese place that my bro in law likes a lot. Headed to a sushi dinner later which is supposed to be super good! We shall see – it’ll be my second time having omakase, so I’m sure it won’t disappoint. Excited!


So was i supposed to write in this journal daily, because I’ve missed 10 days now! that’s very on par with me, actually. though, since my last posts, i’ve just been too tired to muster up the energy to type up some words. i’ve been working my regular job, then coming home and working my side job late at night. i’m the type of person who always needs like an hour to wind down from the day, which causes me to sleep later than i should and the fatigue cycle repeats daily! the holiday has not helped because it was stressful getting all the gifts for people, plus making calendars and our holiday card. jf let me pick the theme for the card this year, and it won’t be our most creative card but i will like it! this week i’ve been working, working side job, then wrapping gifts before bed. it’s a tiring process and actually now i should go wrap a couple gifts before i go to sleep!

Low Motivation

I have a lot of tasks to do but no motivation to do any of them. Help. But at least we put our Xmas tree up! About to get my period, so I’ve been craving salty foods and chocolate. I did my best to not eat a bag of chips at work today, and it’ll be the same struggle tomorrow. Wish me luck.